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The beat of a drum resonates deeply with our heartbeat, our breath, the vibrations of the Earth, and our very core. In this workshop you will tap into that ancient space within you and find a remembering and connection to the powerful medicine of a drum. Together, as a community, we will venture into the medicine of the hide, the lacing, the hoop, and the medicine of each individual piece being made. Your drum will hold the medicine intended to support your journey. We will each create a 15in buffalo hide medicine drum in this workshop. Wether this is your first drum or one of many be assured this piece will hold a special energy as they all do. Come join me at Bliss Yoga Sunday February 25th with space being held from 12pm-3pm or until we are complete. Love exchange is $345. Confirmation of your attendance must be received by 2/13 to ensure your drum kit will be secured. (Due to limited space and ordering of drum kits there are no refunds for this event.) PLEASE CHOOSE LOCAL DELIVERY TO AVOID SHIPPING. YOIR KIT WILL BE AT BLISS THE DAY OF THE EVENT ) 

Medicine drum crafting workshop Buffalo


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